


Macbeth Intro
Macbeth Quotations


Macbeth, William Shakespeare – the text
No Fear Macbeth – text with modern translation

Additional Links

The Historical Macbeth
Play with Context Notes
Just For Fun – What’s Your Shakespearean Insult


Macbeth Project


Shakespeare’s Globe Theater

The Curse of Macbeth

The Animated Macbeth


Act One
chastise- to punish or severely criticize
divine right-God ordained right of King
dwindle- to make or become less until little remains
lavish- extravagant; to give in abundance
prophetic- speaking or predicting as if by divine intervention
surmise- to infer with little evidence; guess
trifle- something of little importance or value wrought- shaped, created

Act Two
allegiance- loyalty to a cause or nation
carousing- acting boisterously or loudly, as if drunk
dire- indicating trouble or disaster; urgent
lechery- lewd or vulgar behavior
palpable- capable of being touched or felt; tangible
quenched- put out; extinguished
sacrilegious- grossly disrespectful of what is sacred

Act Three
dauntless- fearless, unable to be intimidated
fruitless- unproductive or unsuccessful
grapple- wrestle or struggle with
malice- a desire to harm others or to see others suffer
predominant- having greatest importance or authority
sundry- various; miscellaneous
tyrant- a harsh or cruel leader

Act Four
antic- a childish act or gesture
avaricious- having extreme desire for wealth; greedy
desolate- without inhabitants; deserted
entrails- internal organs, especially the intestines
laudable- praiseworthy; commendable
pernicious- deadly or destructive
sovereignty- supreme authority or rule

Act Five
arbitrate- to judge or settle a dispute
fury- uncontrollable anger or rage
gentry- people of good family or high social position
mar- to damage or spoil
perturbation- something that disturbs or makes one anxious
pristine- remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted
upbraid- to criticize sharply; to reprimand